
Since 2007, the Detroit Greenways Coalition has been the City’s leading advocate for better biking and walking. From city hall to Washington DC, we have a strong working relationship with elected officials and government staff. Through the years, our consistent voice has helped make major changes in Detroit’s infrastructure and policy.

Detroit Civil Rights icon Ron Scott speaks on the equitable democracy of bicycling


  • There were about 13 miles of bike lanes and trails when we started. Today there are close to 300 miles.
  • We initiated the vision for a citywide network of greenways, which includes the Joe Louis Greenway and Rouge River Greenway.
  • We led U.S. efforts to get bicycles and pedestrians access on the new Gordie Howe International Bridge to Canada.
  • In partnership with the Bike Riders United, we successfully encouraged Detroit City Council to remove the city’s mandatory bicycle license ordinance in 2008.
  • In 2008 we brought the city’s non-motorized master plan before Council with Giffels-Webster Engineering and helped get it approved. We then worked with the city and council staff to begin its implementation.
  • We partnered with the Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance to successfully advocate for MDOT policy change that allowed bike lanes on state trunklines such as Michigan Avenue in Corktown.
  • We worked with Riverside Kayaks to change a city ordinance making it legal to launch kayaks and canoes from city parks.
  • We advocated for modernizing Detroit’s ordinances for biking and bike lanes, including elimination of the bike bell requirement and allowing youth to ride bikes in the street (with help from BikeVON.)
  • We are continuing to advocate for a Complete Streets+ ordinance in the city of Detroit. This would include green stormwater management as part of many road projects.
  • We monitor all city council activity and have stepped in to preserve public right-of-ways around the Little Ceasars Arena and Conner Playfield.
Photo from Council member Castaneda-Lopez’s Facebook photo album

4 replies on “Advocacy”

Congratulations on all your successes in Detroit and the much deserved publicity Detroit bike advocates are getting these days! Really looking forward to riding in the protected bike lanes there, which, if I’m not mistaken, are the first in Michigan, are they not?

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