The MI Healthy Climate Plan to get Michigan to carbon neutrality was released on Earth Day. While not perfect, we were successful in getting it improved from the previously released draft. While that draft did support increased biking and walking, it didn’t make any real commitments. E-bikes, the need to reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), and land use policy weren’t mentioned. We outlined our concerns and was able to meet with Governor Whitmer's staff and the authors of the plan within the Department of the Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. While we didn’t get VMT reduction or land use in the final plan, we did get our Safe Systems Approach and e-bike purchase incentive proposals. More recently, we met with Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist as part of an environmental listening session. We shared our concerns about the need for e-bike incentives and more non-motorized investments -- and how we need to change the status quo, auto-centric mindset. We also presented on our climate work at the League of American Bicyclist's National Bike Summit. Smart Growth America and Paul Jones III from TRU also presented alongside us. The League said we were one of the few biking groups nationwide doing this Climate Action work, but especially with an focus on equity and environmental justice. |