We recently compiled our concerns and suggestions with the recent designs for the I-375 replacement. These concerns focus on biking and walking, but especially on safety. It's easy to get excited about freeway removal without considering the consequences of then having to cross all that motor vehicle traffic. We just met with MDOT and the City of Detroit to review our concerns and came away optimistic that many of them can be addressed. Our vision for a walking/biking underpass beneath Gratiot seems the least likely, at least in the short term. MDOT also announced that they will collect motor traffic data post-COVID to help determine if some turn lanes at intersections are still necessary. The current design is based on 2017 traffic patterns. With most of our safety concerns at the intersections, reducing their size is something we strongly support.
MDOT will also present on the project at the Green Task Force Transportation and Mobility Committee meeting on Tuesday, September 18th at 4pm. This will be held virtually. Please join us! You still have the option to leave your comments on the MDOT project page. |