Complete Streets Safety & Education

Detroit gets $24.8 million road safety grant

UPDATED 3/7/2023: Our original map showed the streets the city wanted to improve. Since the grant award was less than what was requested, US DOT asked that four corridors (Kelly, Whittier, Springwells, & W Vernor) be removed.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law created the Safe Streets for All federal program with $5 billion in grants over the next 5 years. The competitive grants support the U.S. DOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy and the goal of zero deaths and serious injuries on our roadways.

Today the U.S. Department of Transportation announced their first year of grants and Detroit was among those selected. The city will receive $24.8 million that will focus on improving roads in the high-injury network. The city is required to provide an additional 20% match.

This award will help Detroit improve road safety in high-injury areas with components like new bike lanes and pedestrian refuge islands. It will also support safety measures throughout the city, including curb extensions, high-visibility crosswalks, pedestrian countdown timers, and additional improvements focused on improving pedestrian safety and promoting safe speeds.

U.S. DOT Safe Streets for All grant announcement

This grant award is a major win for the city and the Department of Public Works Complete Streets team. It’s also compliments the Vision Zero resolution that was passed by Detroit City Council last year.

Of course it’s not enough funding to solve all of the city’s road safety issues, but it will be enough to make signficant improvements to the most dangerous roads as outlined in the Detroit Comprehensive Safety Action Plan.

While Detroit was the only Michigan implementation grant, other communities received funding to develop safety action plans, including Ann Arbor, Ferndale, Highland Park, Macomb County, Road Commission for Oakland County, and SEMCOG.

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