Critical Safe Driving Tips

SPEED is a factor in all crashes. When a vehicle hits a pedestrian or bicyclist, the vehicle’s speed drastically affects that persons injuries and whether they live or die. Travelling at posted speed limits saves lives.

DISTRACTED OR IMPAIRED DRIVING is major causes of crashes. It is illegal to read or send texts while driving. It is generally illegal to text or use a handheld phone at any time while operating a commercial vehicle or school bus [MCL 257.602b]. The use of handheld cell phones is prohibited in Detroit.

Many collisions occur at intersections where turning motorists often do not LOOK FOR AND YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS OR BICYCLISTS. A 2018 study from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering (Kaya/Donmez) found that more than half of all drivers fail to look for bicyclists and pedestrians when turning right.

HAVING PROPERLY OPERATING HEADLIGHTS is essential to seeing pedestrians and bicyclists at night. When driving at night or in low-light conditions, every vehicle must have lighting that lets one see people and bicyclists at 500 feet. [MCL 257.684(a)] During recent headlight testing, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety rated most new vehicles as “poor” or “marginal.” The burden is on motorists to see pedestrians and bicyclists at night, which requires traveling at lower, safer speeds in poorly lit conditions or when visibility is otherwise limited.

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