Maps and Data

Bike and Walk Map

In 2019, we created what appears to be the first Detroit bike map since 1896. It was due for an update. That map shows all of the trails and bike lanes at the time it was made, including the Iron Belle Trail. The map also includes the most comprehensive coverage of all bike, pedestrian, and motorist laws. We printed over 10,000 maps and nearly all have been distributed to bike shops.

We have put the map online. This version is more up to date than the printed version. It also includes bike rack information (albeit outdated) and real time MoGo Bike Share information.

Our current thought is to keep the online map up to date and print maps every other year depending on funding.

Google Maps

The Detroit Greenways Coalition has led efforts to update the bike lanes and trails on Google Maps. Not only does this provide an up-to-date map, it also makes Google’s bike and walk directions work better. When creating those directions, Google will try to route cyclists and pedestrians onto trails or roads with bike lanes. It’s not perfect, but it’s getting better.

Open Data

We are building major data collections around our work, including bike parking, bike lanes, trails, crash data, and bike/ped counts. Currently we make some of it available as GeoJSON files:

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