Our newsletter is now online with updates on the Joe Louis Greenway, RiverWalk, Complete Streets, MDOT projects, and much more.
UPDATE: Note that the newsletter says MoGo-A-GoGo is on a Tuesday. November 9th is a Thursday.
Our newsletter is now online with updates on the Joe Louis Greenway, RiverWalk, Complete Streets, MDOT projects, and much more.
UPDATE: Note that the newsletter says MoGo-A-GoGo is on a Tuesday. November 9th is a Thursday.
4 replies on “News from the Trail – November 2023”
I rode down to check out the JLG Gateway on Sunday. While it is evident that construction is not quite finished, I did not see any bike racks. Earlier this summer I rode to Riverside Park which is finished, and there were no bike racks. So is the city still pursuing the outmoded model that people will drive their cars to the park, and then unload a few bikes to ride around a bit? How does this fit into a bike transportation network?
There should be bike racks installed. The JLG Framework plan dedicates a few pages to the topic of bike parking (see pages 202-204). We will ask if they’ve been installed yet.
We’re unsure about Riverside Park, but will ask. We didn’t see any racks where we expected them.
The city says the Joe Louis Greenway Gateway will get bike racks. They just haven’t been installed yet.
The City of Detroit said they will look into adding more bike parking to Riverside Park.