
News from the Trail – June 2017

Happy National Trails Day!

Bike to Work Day

Thanks to all who participated in Detroit’s largest ever Bike to Work Day event. Special thanks also to our title sponsor Henry Ford LiveWell who helped make the event a success. Henry Ford Health System also had the most employees register for the event, followed by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, and the City of Detroit. Look for an even bigger event in 2018.

Highland Park Grants

We’ve recently received two grants to help build trails and bike lanes in the city of Highland Park.

The first is from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Fund for Design and Access, which is administered through the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. This grant is for the development of bike lanes on all of Hamilton Avenue within Highland Park.

The second is from the Doppelt Family Trail Development Fund administered by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. This grant is to support the development of the Inner Circle Greenway through Highland Park.

We’re excited to get started on both projects. We’re also discussing a number of partnerships with others that can further enhance these efforts.

Quick Updates

  • Thanks DALMAC for a $2,000 grant towards the new Detroit Bike and Trail Map we’re creating. Sponsorship opportunities are available.
  • Congratulations MoGo, Detroit’s first public bike share program for having over 4,000 rides during the first week.
  • The Detroit Planning Department’s Detroit Rides web site and social media have launched. We’ve been helping with the content through the Detroit Bike and Pedestrian Safety and Education task force.
  • Cass Avenue protected bike lanes will be installed this summer after the road is repaved. A correction from our May update — the city of Detroit is paying for this project rather than MDOT.
  • Warren Avenue protected bike lanes from Trumbull to Russell will be under construction this year as well. This will be the first two-way cycletrack in Michigan. It’ll also have it’s own traffic signal heads.
  • Have you seen our new embroidered patch? We sold them at the recent Coupe Day Event over Memorial Weekend and will have them at future events as well.

Upcoming Events
W Vernor Planning Mtgs
Saturday, June 3rd

Planning for neighborhoods along W. Vernor. 10am or 3pm meeting times.
More details

Come Together for
Back Alley Bikes

June 7th at 7pm

Enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres with our friends at Back Alley Bikes.
Event Registration