Climate Action Safety & Education

Our MDOT Five-Year Transportation Plan comments

We submitted the below comments on MDOT’s 2025-2029 Five-Year Transportation Plan. This year we did not have any comments specific to Detroit projects within the plan. However, we did ask how this plan supports and helps meet MDOT’s Toward Zero Deaths goal and Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Carbon Neutrality pledge. We’d note that the plan’s cover includes a photo of 14th Street construction in Corktopwn that removed the bike lanes.


The MDOT trunkline safety goal of zero fatalities and serious injuries by 2050 will not be met by reliance on “several safety initiatives and strategies.” (Page 23) We ask for a more sober assessment that this goal will not be achieved without fundamental changes in how MDOT prioritizes, funds and designs its trunklines while also making investments that encourage modeshift to public transit and active transportation. The latter is critically necessary for MDOT to reach its safety goal, yet we don’t see this mentioned in the plan, even in Public Transportation Program Impacts. (Page 19).

We ask that you show the required annual performance targets to get MDOT to zero by 2050. If you can project pavement and bridge condition through 2040 then there’s no reason why safety can’t be given this similar forward looking graph.

MDOT’s prioritization of safety is not apparent from the provided project list, including the proposed HSIP list. Is MDOT prioritizing safety projects in the high-injury network? By far, Wayne County has more trunkline fatalities and serious injuries than any other Michigan county, yet no proposed HSIP projects are listed for it.

Carbon Neutrality

This plan has a modest mention of MDOT’s Carbon Reduction Strategy (using a broken hyperlink) but doesn’t show how these strategies affect the provided project list. Do these projects reduce carbon emissions and will they get the state to carbon neutrality by 2050?

Similar to our safety comments, we want to see carbon emissions performance targets through 2050. We want to know where we are at today and what changes need to be made to get us to zero.

And as we noted earlier, modeshift to public transit and active transportation must be clearly called out in the plan as a fundamental safety and carbon neutrality strategy.

2 replies on “Our MDOT Five-Year Transportation Plan comments”

I just got done reading the plan. It’s the usual same old same old.

One thing I found particularly awful was that the project list (toward the end of the doc) put widening projects in the “TRAFFIC AND SAFETY – SAFETY PROGRAMS” category.

Seriously … widening roads makes us safer? Don’t even get me started on how we’re going to pay for these newly widened roads, considering our deficits and the fact that many of the regions where we are widening have a shrinking population.

This is an ongoing issue. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds can be used for road widenings, but those aren’t labeled as such either. We are part of a statewide working group that is gathering more information on DOT (including MDOT) policies and will be looking to advocate for changes afterwards.

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