Joe Louis Greenway
The City of Detroit is very close to signing off on the acquisition of 8 miles of abandoned rail corridor. Once that is complete, the city will begin Framework Planning for the greenway corridor. Unfortunately Detroit was not awarded a TIGER grant for construction, which is still a ways off.
In the meantime, we’ve update our Joe Louis Greenway map brochure with funding from the Doppelt Family Fund. We’ve updated the greenway’s web page on our site and included a link to a PDF of the map.
We’ve also been attending events to distribute the printed version.
Important Bike Lanes Meeting
We are hosting a public meeting on April 18th from 6pm to 8pm at the Northeast Guidance Center (2900 Conner St, Detroit, MI 48215) to discuss bike lanes in Detroit.
We’ll be presenting on our vision — that the city build and maintain bike lanes, that it prioritizes creating safe connections, that it provides enforcement so that we’re not dealing with vehicles parking in the bike lanes, event barriers, or other obstructions, and that we don’t have standing water in the lanes.
The Planning and Development Department will present on the new E. Jefferson bike lanes. The Public Works Department will be there to talk about their maintenance plans for these and other Detroit bike lanes. The Department of Neighborhoods will be on hand. We have asked that the Detroit Police Department and Municipal Parking have representatives present as well.
This is a great opportunity for bicyclists to show the city that this is more than just more plastic posts and paint. We need quality, safe infrastructure that will continue to encourage more Detroiters to ride more often.
Other Meetings this Week
- Tonight, April 10th: Eastern Market is having a Neighborhood Framework and Stormwater Management Master Plan meeting from 5:30pm to 7pm at the Detroit Edison Public Academy (1903 Wilkins).
- Tomorrow, April 11th: The Department of Natural Resources is having a kickoff public meeting for Milliken State Park and Harbor’s master plan at the Outdoor Adventure Center (1801 Atwater Street) from 6pm to 8pm.